UPDATE 04-27-08: Yup, I’m still behind schedule – – Bear with me, I should have the E-Book ready in a few days…Thanks for your patience, and for all of the interest!!
My apologies to those waiting for the release of my upcoming E-Book and Video Series entitled, “Photofinishing with Photoshop” (More info and a sample chapter & video here). As many of you know, I teach Photoshop “one-on-one” to clients all over the United States, but this is my first venture into education-based literature and videos available for all.
I have been consulting with a few people more experienced in these things – They love the content and concept, but they have suggested some changes that will benefit everyone. Please bear with me as I implement these changes.
My new deadline is Friday, April 18th for the E-Book, and Wednesday, April 30th for the Video Series. Both will be reasonably priced, and available as downloads.
Thanks again for your patience – the wait will be worth it!
John 🙂