iPhone Photos, Photoshop Express, and more fun stuff …

  Got an iPhone, iPad or a Smartphone? Been playing with the Camera and Photo Apps? Been intrigued by the power of your phone camera? Wanna share your favorite pics, apps and social sites? Wanna participate in smartphone photo contests with prizes?  You’ve found the place…  This is “just for fun”, but we can also learn something about photography & Photoshop … Smartphone and tablet cameras (and particularly the iPhone) have done quite a few things for photography – Just think: Your camera is always with you, and the simplicity of the cameras and apps allow us to get back

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Here’s my Photoshop and Color Management Seminar Schedule at the 2011 San Diego County Fair

  It’s time for the San Diego County Fair Exhibition of Photography, and this year I am again honored to be a judge. And again this year, I am going to be giving a number of Photoshop and Color Management seminars – – If you are in Southern California during the fair, come on by – – I’d love to see you there! Click Here to download a PDF of my schedule … Cheers, John 🙂

Here’s my Photoshop and Color Management Seminar Schedule at the 2010 San Diego County Fair

It’s time for the San Diego County Fair Exhibition of Photography, and this year I am again honored to be a judge. This year, I am going to be giving a number of Photoshop and Color Management seminars – – If you are in Southern California during the fair, come on by – – I’d love to see you there! Click Here to download a PDF of my schedule … By the way, there are quite a few excellent seminars by other presenters, such as Jim Cline, Dave Gatley, Will Gibson, Karl Grobl, David King, Larry Vogel, Fred Greaves and

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The CS4 Addendum is Complete for my Photoshop Book …

For those of you who have purchased my Photoshop  Book/E-book, the CS4 Addendum is complete –  – I’ll be sending you a link to download it  as a PDF in the next few days… For those of you still thinking about purchasing my book: Photoshop Version Compatibility: No need to worry that this book is “outdated” with the introduction of Photoshop CS4 – In fact, there is one Chapter devoted exclusively to “What’s New in CS4?. Although this book’s diagrams and illustrations are taken primarily from Photoshop CS3, the information in the book is applicable to versions as old as

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Live Photoshop and Color Management Chat

Got a burning question about Photoshop? Having challenges with a Color Management issue? Need to know more about my Products and Services? Need Live Photoshop or Color Management Technical Support? Help is here! When I am online (which is quite a bit!),  you can talk to me via Live Chat … Just click on the red floating Chat Box at the bottom right of the website… Hope to hear from you soon, Cheers, John 🙂

How to Create and Use Custom Printer Profiles in Photoshop Elements …

As many of you know, I have, for years, been able to show you how to create and use custom printer profiles in Adobe Photoshop. With the increasing popularity of Photoshop Elements, I can now show you how to create and use Custom Printer Profiles in this great program by using my Custom Printer Profiling Service… Simply Click Here, scroll down to near the bottom of the webpage, and download the appropriate PDF to learn how… Whether you use my profiling service, or someone else’s service (keep in mind my service is the best, of course!), you’ll find this information

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My Photoshop and Color Management Seminar Schedule at the San Diego County Fair

It’s time for the San Diego County Fair Exhibition of Photography, and this year I am again honored to be a judge. This year, I am going to be giving a number of Photoshop and Color Management seminars – – If you are in Southern California during the fair, come on by – – I’d love to see you there! Click Here to download a PDF of my schedule … By the way, there are quite a few excellent seminars by other presenters, such as Jim Cline, Dave Gatley, Will Gibson, Karl Grobl, David King, and others – – Check

Read More My Photoshop and Color Management Seminar Schedule at the San Diego County Fair

Here’s A Video on Photoshop Levels…

Here’s a taste of things to come – A sample video on Photoshop Levels from my upcoming Video Series, “Photofinishing with Photoshop” … [flashvideo file=wp-content/gallery/Levels_1.flv /] Enjoy! Don’t forget to leave a comment and let me know what you think… Cheers, John 🙂

Going from RAW Converter to Photoshop – What To Do in Each Program?

As many of you know, I’m a big proponent of shooting in RAW for your important images.  With that in mind, here’s a very good question from one of my clients, Frank Carter of Wilmington, North Carolina… After trying out and testing 3 different RAW converters (DXO, Capture NX 2 and Adobe Camera Raw 5.2 in Photoshop CS4) I decided to take your advice and upgrade to Photoshop CS4.  I have a question:  Adobe Camera Raw 5.2 has so many adjustments – Do you make a lot of adjustments in RAW or just a few basic adjustments and then use

Read More Going from RAW Converter to Photoshop – What To Do in Each Program?

More Free Photoshop Webinars Added – – “Working with RAW” & “What’s New in Photoshop CS4”

FYI – Just added: “Working with Photoshop’s ‘Adobe Camera RAW’ Plug-In” “What’s New in Photoshop CS4?” For More Information and to Sign Up, Click Here… I’d also strongly recommend that you sign up right away – – Each Webinar is limited to 10 participants and fill up quickly. Cheers, John 🙂

Free Live and Interactive Webinars…

  01/04/21 – Updated – – see this link: https://www.wattsdigital.com/San_Diego_Meetups.html _______________   Hello there! By popular request, I am now offering Free Live and Interactive Webinars on subjects related to Photoshop, Digital Printing, and Color Management. These webinars will allow you to watch the desktop of my computer “real-time”  and listen to me as I explain what I am doing.  At the same time, if you have any questions, you can type your question, and I will answer it!  I will be doing a minimum of 2 webinars per week. These webinars are “browser-based” on your computer, and are limited

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In the Spirit of “Economic Stimulus”, Here’s a Deal on my Photoshop Book!

Times are tough. I’m going to help make them better! For the next 3 days only (Through Wednesday Midnight PST), you can save $5 on my Photoshop Book “Photofinishing with Photoshop – The Art of Printmaking in the Digital Realm”. Available in either an “E-Book” PDF download or a quality “Hard Copy” shipped to you, this is not just another Photoshop Book. Click Here for more information, including why this book is unique, sample chapters, book reviews, testimonials, and information on CS4 compatibility. When ordering, use the coupon code “deal” at checkout to receive your discount. So, that’s the deal

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I’m baaack – – Just in time for Photoshop CS4 …

OK, OK, I haven’t posted since June – – It’s time to get back to work.  However, there is a very good reason that I’ve not posted: Say hello to my first grandchild, Aidan Fox McDermott.  He’s as handsome as his Grandpa, of course 🙂 My daughter and her husband are currently living with us.  I work out of my house, and every time I’m ready to post, Aidan smiles at me and begs to be held – – What would you choose, posting on a blog or holding your grandchild?? 🙂 Oh, and I was also quite busy with

Read More I’m baaack – – Just in time for Photoshop CS4 …

We had a Blast “Talkin’ Photoshop” at the Fair…

WOW!! What a blast! Last Saturday, I gave two free seminars at the San Diego County Fair Exhibition of Photography. One was on Color Management in Photoshop and the other was on Photofinishing with Photoshop. Both were well-attended and productive, and we had a lot of fun. Not only did I meet someone that I made a print for about 15 years ago (she still loves it!), but I met someone whose work I admire, Tamandra Michaels, on the midway at the fair (I recognized her by her picture on her website). If you missed these seminars, here’s a schedule

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The First Book Review for my Photoshop E-book…

Here’s a link to the first Book Review for my Photoshop E-Book, “Photofinishing with Photoshop” – – enjoy! Click Here for the Book Review… By the way, be sure to support the fine folks at Apogee – – Click here or on their logo above to visit their site. Cheers, John 🙂

The Photoshop E-Book is Available for Download…

  03/10/22 – This post has been updated:    https://wattsdigital.com/photoshop-book-e-book   My Photoshop E-Book, “Photofinishing with Photoshop”, is now available for purchase and immediate download. It is reasonably priced at $30. Click Here to Purchase and Download the E-Book… Have you ever wanted to learn how to make stunning photographic prints at your home or office? Have you tried, but not been happy with the results? Then this unique E-Book is for you. This is not just another Photoshop E-Book: It is unique because I focus on what makes a good color print, and I will show you how to

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Free Photoshop And Color Management Seminars at the 2009 Fair

Howdy, Last Sunday, I was privileged to be a Judge at the San Diego County Fair Exhibition of Photography. I’ll share my experiences and insights about the judging in a few days. I know some of you have been asking, so here is a ‘heads-up”: I will be giving free Photoshop and CoIor Management seminars at the Fair starting in a few weeks. In addition, I will be participating in a ‘Judge’s Roundtable”, an “Artist’s Reception” and a “Digital Dialogue with the Experts”. If you are in Southern California, I’d love to get a chance to meet you – besides,

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Some of my Favorite Digital Imaging Websites ….

Greetings, The title is self-explanatory, and they are in no particular order of importance, etc….. Apogee Photo.com – A good source for all things photographic, both traditional and digital. Tim Grey’s DDQ – The digital Darkroom Questions (DDQ) is a regular email providing answers to questions related to the digital darkroom. Chromix – One of the best sources for Color Management Hardware and Software. Solux – A great source for proper lighting for print-viewing. Fetch – FTP software for Mac – 15 day free trial, then $25. FTP Shell Client – FTP software for Windows – Personal version is free.

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Working with Palettes in Photoshop

  07/01/21 – although this info is generally still accurate, this post has been further updated in a new post, WITH VIDEO: https://blog.main.wattsdigital.com/photoshop-cs6cc-setting-up-your-workspace-with-panels-with-video/   _________     Hello to all….What are Palettes? Think of Palettes as miniature workspaces, each accomplishing a different function. There are almost two dozen different palettes available to you. If you are new to Photoshop, then I would suggest, in the spirit of K.I.S.S. (Keep It Super Simple), that you start with just seven, and add those you deem necessary as you gain more experience. Below is a representation of the palettes I would suggest that

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The Power of Adjustment Layers in Photoshop, Part II

    04/02/20 Updated here:  https://blog.main.wattsdigital.com/?p=2283   ___________________   Here is a continuation of Part I concerning Adjustment Layers in Photoshop – – If you did not read the first post, I’d encourage you to do so. Two Ways to Create a New Layer: You can create a new Adjustment Layer by clicking on the “Create a New Adjustment Layer” button. An Adjustment Layer comes “pre–loaded” with a tool or function, as well as a Layer Mask (see this post and this post for more on Layer Masks). You will create your new layers with this button most of the

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