Going from RAW Converter to Photoshop – What To Do in Each Program?

As many of you know, I’m a big proponent of shooting in RAW for your important images.  With that in mind, here’s a very good question from one of my clients, Frank Carter of Wilmington, North Carolina… After trying out and testing 3 different RAW converters (DXO, Capture NX 2 and Adobe Camera Raw 5.2 in Photoshop CS4) I decided to take your advice and upgrade to Photoshop CS4.  I have a question:  Adobe Camera Raw 5.2 has so many adjustments – Do you make a lot of adjustments in RAW or just a few basic adjustments and then use

Read More Going from RAW Converter to Photoshop – What To Do in Each Program?

More Free Photoshop Webinars Added – – “Working with RAW” & “What’s New in Photoshop CS4”

FYI – Just added: “Working with Photoshop’s ‘Adobe Camera RAW’ Plug-In” “What’s New in Photoshop CS4?” For More Information and to Sign Up, Click Here… I’d also strongly recommend that you sign up right away – – Each Webinar is limited to 10 participants and fill up quickly. Cheers, John 🙂