Pssst – – Wanna Buy a Legal and Full Copy of Photoshop CS3 – Cheap?

Photoshop CS3 Upgrade

Now that I’ve got your attention… 🙂

If you’re reading this, you may fall into one of two categories: 1) You are using someone else’s illegal “copy” of PS, and cannot legally upgrade, or 2) You are brand new to the program, ready to “take the plunge”, and start learning how it works. Either way, the $650+ price tag is holding you back.

You can get a full and legal copy of CS3 for 1/2 to 2/3 of the cost, and here’s how:

Buy an unregistered full copy of Photoshop 7 or later, register it, then buy the CS3 upgrade…

So, where do you buy an unregistered copy of Photoshop 7 or later? Shop on E Bay or a similar auction site.

My wife and I have shopped successfully on E Bay for years, and have yet to get bamboozled (Love that word!) by following a few guidelines (more on this later).

Typically, if you are diligent, you can find an unregistered copy of Photoshop 7 or Photoshop CS for $100 – $250. Then, after registering, you can upgrade to CS3 directly from Adobe or any number of outlets, such as Amazon, etc.

And don’t get discouraged if nothing is immediately available on E Bay – – It is an auction, and very dynamic – – check back every few days.

By the way, there are also some E Bay retailers who have “pre-packaged” this combo for you – – You can find an example of these listings Here and Here. I know quite a few folks who have gone this route and been very satisfied.

And here are the recommended guidelines when shopping on E Bay:

1) Assure that the words “unregistered” are in the description.

2) Check the seller’s feedback rating – it needs to be about 99% or higher.

3) I would NOT buy an “academic” version – – I’m not a student or teacher in a formal school setting, so it’s cheating – – Call me silly, but that’s just me: I respect intellectual property.

4) If you live in the US, I’d be reluctant to buy outside of the US.

That’s it! How about you? Found a way to get the program legally and cheap? Got any good stories to tell, good OR bad? Let’s hear them!


John 🙂


4 thoughts on “Pssst – – Wanna Buy a Legal and Full Copy of Photoshop CS3 – Cheap?

  1. Excellent suggestions, John. I agree with you on number 3, too. I have, though, been tempted to have my son, who is in college, purchase a copy of some software. It would be kind of like a college tuition rebate. 🙂 I’ve not done it though.

  2. Hey Paul…

    Oh, don’t get me wrong!!! If you’re in academia, go for it – – It IS like a reduction in tuition – college is expensive enough as it is…

    I’ve got 2 daughters in college, plus my lovely wife is back in school – – They have definitely taken advantage of the education software….

    I was speaking of those who are NOT in academia – -they’ve got all of the excuses on why they SHOULD “screw” the EEEEVILLL software companies – – I’ve learned that excuses are like armpits – – most every one has two, and they both stink!!!

    Hope you’re having a wonderful time in New Mexico…


    John 🙂

  3. Thanks for the info. I just hit this brick wall so I am looking for a legal copy of 7 or so to upgrade to the newest.

  4. Rick…

    Justs saw this on E-Bay for a Windows version:

    I just typed in “Photoshop 7.0” in search – – It’s unregistered, etc…I’ll bet it goes for around $200 max…
    If this doesn’t work out, Keep checking daily – – There’s always stuff that pops up…


    John 🙂

    PS – Try searching “Photoshop CS” too…

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