Photoshop vs Lightroom? Wrong question! – WITH VIDEO


Updated:  07/17/24 – Plus, BONUS:  See my short video from YouTube here:




FYI, this is Part 1 of a 3-part series on this subject – Part 2 is herePart 3 is here




I don’t use Lightroom in my post-processing workflow – I don’t even have it installed on my computer (see Part 2 for much more on “why”) – but I’m constantly asked a version of this question over and over –


“For working on my images, should I use Lightroom or Photoshop?”


To me, that’s the wrong question, perhaps not even a fair question.


If you decide to need or want to incorporate Lightroom into your post-processing workflow,Photoshop and Lightroom are NOT designed to REPLACE each other – they’re designed to COMPLEMENT each other. They’re two different programs, with two different purposes.


So, what are the right questions?


•  “For enhancing my image and getting the highest quality output from my digital capture, which is the more powerful program?”  Answer:  Photoshop


•  “And for critically culling, condensing, editing, rating and managing my rather large collection of images, which is the more powerful program?”   Answer:  Lightroom


Here’s another way of thinking about it:


Photoshop is a “Digital Darkroom”, whereas Lightroom is a “Digital Library”.


Let me explain – and to do so, let’s first define each program, both products from Adobe.


•  What is Photoshop? It’s an image manipulation & enhancement software program – or for you propeller-heads out there, it’s a “raster graphics editor”.  It’s an industry standard for a reason: it’s an incredibly powerful (and complex) program.


•  What is Lightroom? I like this definition from Wikipedia – it’s an image management application database which helps in viewing, editing, and managing digital photos (notice this definition does NOT mention “enhancing” files!).  It’s also incredibly powerful for what it’s designed to do, but still quite complex in its own right.


Is there “crossover” in what each program can do?


Yes, and therein lies the confusion:


    • The program “Bridge” comes with Photoshop CC, and it’s a very good “file browser”.  By the way, it’s what I’ve used for decades – mainly for its sheer simplicity!  


    • And yes, Lightroom has a “Develop” and “Print” module to emulate certain Photoshop CC image-enhancement functions.


But you should NEVER confuse what you can do in Bridge with the robust organizational power of Lightroom, nor should you even remotely confuse the “Develop” module in Lightroom to the full capabilities of image enhancement capable in Photoshop!


With that in mind, you have 3 choices when choosing which program(s) to use:


•  In my comments below, I’m going to focus (pun intended) on getting the absolute most out of your digital capture for high quality print output, which is my passion, livelihood, and area of expertise.


1) Use Lightroom Only: if you really need all of that organizational power, then without a doubt Lightroom is the most powerful “Digital Library” out there.   But for critical digital output, I don’t consider this the best choice.


•  It’s a fallacy that the “Develop” module in Lightroom is “just as good” as Photoshop – in fact, the “Develop” module is virtually the same as the Adobe Camera RAW Plug-in (accessed through Photoshop), and no more. 


•  In this regard, when it comes to the best enhancement of your file for high-quality output, Photoshop (combined with Adobe Camera RAW) is a “NASCAR race car” to Lightrooms’ “passenger car” – no comparison.


•  Another question I’m frequently asked: should a newbie to post-processing try Lightroom first to enhance their images, and then step up to Photoshop later? 


Answer: Unless you truly need the complex organizational power of Lightroom (Digital Library), I would strongly recommend against it.  If you want to genuinely discover the power of what you can do with your digital capture, learn Bridge + Photoshop first (Digital Darkroom).  Yes, the learning curve in Photoshop is a bit higher than Lightroom – but the results to your digital output are so worth it!


2) Use Photoshop Only (with Bridge):  As a custom photographic printer for over 35 years, I’ve seen what generally works and what doesn’t, and Photoshop is the best “tool” out there – no serious pro would consider NOT using the best in ANY discipline.


•  A downside: Photoshop can be a bit tougher to learn than Lightroom, no doubt – but as a photographer, you’re only going to need to use about 10 to 15% of this complex program, and you can pretty much ignore the rest.  Oh, and it’s not nearly as complicated with the right instruction designed for photographers (hint-hint: shameless plug – buy my book or attend my free live & online  “Photoshop 101” Meetups!)


 • By the way, I don’t run every file through Photoshop anyway – ONLY those that, after critical culling & editing (whether in Lightroom or Bridge or iPhoto, or whatever editing program you use),  I’ve decided need a Master File for high-quality output, printing, etc – see more on my blogpost, “What is a Master File, and why do you need one?” with VIDEO:


3) Use both Lightroom and Photoshop:   Now, I confess:  I’m not a Lightroom fan and don’t use it at all (as I mentioned earlier, I use Bridge, mainly for its sheer simplicity).  But I admit – I also don’t shoot hundreds of images a week.  And I’m not a wedding photographer, a product / catalog photographer, a professional or serious amateur with thousands & thousands of digital images, etc – if that’s the case, then you may truly need the organizational power of Lightroom.


•  FYI, I’m most definitely NOT suggesting that you ultimately need to run everything through Photoshopthat’s a fool’s errand.  I also understand that, depending on the final use of your image, you may not need (or even want) to run your file through Photoshop. It may be that, if you’re using Lightroom, the “Develop” module meets your needs for the job at hand – depending on the images’ importance, intended use, intended output & original exposure.


•  But keep in mind the added complications to your post-processing workflow, as well as having one more program to learn.  If you don’t need the full organizational power of Lightroom (and Bridge will get the job done), why learn a second relatively complex program?


My approach?


As I’m big on keeping things simple (and generally don’t shoot hundreds of images a week), I rely on Bridge as my file browser, and use Adobe Camera RAW & Photoshop exclusively. – THAT is my post-processing workflow!



My recommendation?


•  If your goal is to get the absolute most out of your digital capture (especially for high quality digital printing), you should center your post-processing workflow around Photoshop.


 If you’re a newbie to post-processing, I’d suggest that you start with Adobe Camera RAW + Photoshop (Digital Darkroom), and use Bridge as your “Digital Library” … If Bridge is not getting the job done, you can always step up to the better “Digital Library” (and its complexity) – Lightroom.



For a continuation / addendum / update of this blogpost, see Part 2 here:


Also, check out this post (Part 3) – “Lightroom to Photoshop Migration (& safely back)




For a closely related post, check out – “How (and why) I use Adobe Bridge …”




By the way, you can download all 4 programs from Adobe’s Creative Cloud for Photographers, for only $10 a month – click here



•  AVAILABLE NATIONWIDE – for more on my free live & online Photoshop Meetups, click here:


•  More Photoshop videos at my YouTube Channel –


•  Was this information helpful?

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•  By the way, this is all based on my Photoshop book designed for photographers, “Not just another Photoshop Book”, available exclusively on Amazon:




Questions? Please contact me – also, feel free to comment and tell your photography friends!


Thx again, and cheers,


John Watts ?




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