iPhone Photos, Photoshop Express, and more fun stuff …

  Got an iPhone, iPad or a Smartphone? Been playing with the Camera and Photo Apps? Been intrigued by the power of your phone camera? Wanna share your favorite pics, apps and social sites? Wanna participate in smartphone photo contests with prizes?  You’ve found the place…  This is “just for fun”, but we can also learn something about photography & Photoshop … Smartphone and tablet cameras (and particularly the iPhone) have done quite a few things for photography – Just think: Your camera is always with you, and the simplicity of the cameras and apps allow us to get back

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Going from RAW Converter to Photoshop – What To Do in Each Program?

As many of you know, I’m a big proponent of shooting in RAW for your important images.  With that in mind, here’s a very good question from one of my clients, Frank Carter of Wilmington, North Carolina… After trying out and testing 3 different RAW converters (DXO, Capture NX 2 and Adobe Camera Raw 5.2 in Photoshop CS4) I decided to take your advice and upgrade to Photoshop CS4.  I have a question:  Adobe Camera Raw 5.2 has so many adjustments – Do you make a lot of adjustments in RAW or just a few basic adjustments and then use

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So, What Makes A Color Print A “Good” Color Print?

Have you ever heard someone look at a print and say, “Oh, that’s digital”? Usually, that is not a compliment. So, what makes a color print a “good” color print, anyway? The process always starts with a well exposed and composed image. Remember, GIGO—garbage in, garbage out (see the last post). Learn how to properly use your camera or scanner. While Photoshop is a great tool for enhancement, it is not a “miracle program” for correcting poor photography. So what makes a good color print and how do we use the basics of Photoshop to achieve it? In my opinion,

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