Photoshop – CS5 or Elements?

Question –   From Frank S. in Weymouth, MA: “From a photographer’s standpoint, what are the differences between the full version (i.e., CS 5) and the Elements version of Photoshop, and which would you recommend?”     Answer – The biggest consideration in deciding which version to purchase, of course, is price.  The full version (CS5) costs around $700, versus $100 for Elements – a considerable difference. If cost is not a major issue,  then I’d strongly recommend you invest in the full version – the “learning curve” is essentially the same between the 2 versions.  That being said, Elements is

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The CS4 Addendum is Complete for my Photoshop Book …

For those of you who have purchased my Photoshop  Book/E-book, the CS4 Addendum is complete –  – I’ll be sending you a link to download it  as a PDF in the next few days… For those of you still thinking about purchasing my book: Photoshop Version Compatibility: No need to worry that this book is “outdated” with the introduction of Photoshop CS4 – In fact, there is one Chapter devoted exclusively to “What’s New in CS4?. Although this book’s diagrams and illustrations are taken primarily from Photoshop CS3, the information in the book is applicable to versions as old as

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How to Create and Use Custom Printer Profiles in Photoshop Elements …

As many of you know, I have, for years, been able to show you how to create and use custom printer profiles in Adobe Photoshop. With the increasing popularity of Photoshop Elements, I can now show you how to create and use Custom Printer Profiles in this great program by using my Custom Printer Profiling Service… Simply Click Here, scroll down to near the bottom of the webpage, and download the appropriate PDF to learn how… Whether you use my profiling service, or someone else’s service (keep in mind my service is the best, of course!), you’ll find this information

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