“Study” Video – Photoshop 101, Class 2: Control your Contrast & Color

    So, have you ever asked yourself, “What makes a good color print, and how do I use the basics of Photoshop to achieve my desired results?”   If so, then this video is for you! Using the K.I.S.S. (Keep It Super Simple) method, you’ll learn how to take well-exposed digital images and improve them, sometimes dramatically, with just a few key but critical functions.   When it comes to a good color print, it’s essential that you know what you’re aiming for before you can properly use the tools in Photoshop. I mean, what IS color, anyway?? Get

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“Study” Video – Photoshop 101, Class 1: The Foundation

      •  New to Photoshop? Need to brush up on the basics? Then you should watch this video to learn some foundational stuff!   •  This is the first of 5 free “I-just-got-Photoshop-now-what” online Meetups – recorded live, ALL focusing on the fundamentals.   •  Think of this Meetup as the Roadmap to Photoshop – – I’ll show you how to effectively navigate through a complex program, showing those functions you really need and want as a photographer. You’ll learn what’s important and what you can ignore. Without this Roadmap, you’ll truly be lost.   •  We’re going to talk

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Lightroom to Photoshop Migration (& safely back) …

    FYI, this is Part 3 of a 3-part series on this subject – –    I’d encourage you you to check out these 2 previous blogposts first to put things in their proper context:   •  “Photoshop vs Lightroom?  Wrong Question!”   •  “Photoshop vs Lightroom?  Wrong Question! – – Part 2”   ____________________________   Those that have worked with me know that I have a “love/hate” relationship with Lightroom  (mostly hate, because of it’s continued mis-use!).     I am not fond of the program (an understatement!), and personally don’t use it (I use Bridge, mainly for its sheer simplicity).      I

Read More Lightroom to Photoshop Migration (& safely back) …

Camera RAW 12.3 – RADICAL changes to the User Interface … with VIDEO

    ____________________________   Click once to embiggen & explore …   _____________________________   Well, gollie … as Gomer Pyle used to say, “surprise, surprise, surprise!“ … and, shazam – was he ever the prognosticator!   As you can see from the video & screen grab above (or if you’ve updated your CC apps in the last few days), Adobe has made radical changes to it’s Camera RAW plug-ins’ User Interface (UI) – – The new look is completely different.   I know, I know – change can be frustrating, and at first, I was indeed skeptical  – but, this new UI is growing on

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Video – Photoshop 101, Class 3: RAW Fundamentals

08/21 – See Updated Videos using Camera RAW 12.3 here:  Click for more       One of the most misunderstood (and mis-used!) concepts in digital post-processing is how to properly work with RAW files.   •  What to do with all that digital information?  How do you work with the format correctly & maximize your image’s potential?   •  When enhancing your image from RAW, what are the “Goals”,  and why?  What the heck are you even aiming for?   This video will answer those questions, and much more – enjoy!   __________   Download the notes for this

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Video – Photoshop 101, Class 5: Color Management 101 PLUS Editing for Success

      Howdy to all,   Class 5 is a “2-Fer”:   1) Color Management 101 (One Hour):   •  Proper Color Management allows you to accurately reproduce what you see on your monitor in printed form, whether it is to your photo inkjet printer or files you send to a custom lab. Being able to print with a great degree of consistency and accuracy saves you time, frustration, and money.   •  The old adage, “WYSIWYG” (What You See Is What You Get) readily applies when you are properly color-managed. John will show you the 3 steps to

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Video – Photoshop 101, Class 2: Control your Contrast & Color – 05/27/20

  So, have you ever asked yourself, “What makes a good color print, and how do I use the basics of Photoshop to achieve my desired results?”   If so, then this video is for you! Using the K.I.S.S. (Keep It Super Simple) method, you’ll learn how to take well-exposed digital images and improve them, sometimes dramatically, with just a few key but critical functions.   When it comes to a good color print, it’s essential that you know what you’re aiming for before you can properly use the tools in Photoshop. I mean, what IS color, anyway?? Get ready

Read More Video – Photoshop 101, Class 2: Control your Contrast & Color – 05/27/20

Photoshop vs Lightroom? Wrong Question! – – Part 2

  Updated:  07/17/24     FYI, this is Part 2 of a 3-part series on this subject – Part 1 is here – Part 3 is here   To see why Photoshop vs Lightroom is the “Wrong Question” (& much more), I’d encourage you to check out Part 1 (at the link above) before perusing Part 2 below – that way, some of the things discussed below will be put in their proper context …   __________________   So, here’s the perspective I’m coming from:   •  I am, at my core, a custom photographic printer, and have been professionally since the early 1980’s – you know: enlargers, lenses,

Read More Photoshop vs Lightroom? Wrong Question! – – Part 2

“Study” Video: Photoshop 101 – Class 4: Master File Creation & Workflow

      Updated 04/01/24: •  Wanna see more free Photoshop videos like the one above? https://wattsdigital.com/free-photoshop-101-videos   •  Here’s more info about my free live & online Photoshop Meetups: https://wattsdigital.com/free-live-meetups-online   ___________________   •  Master File Creation and Proper Workflow should be essential elements in how you approach and use Photoshop, regardless of the version.   •  Creating a Master File is NOT for every image: iit’s exclusively for those images that are your best– – those images that you need & want to spend time with, doing all that’s necessary to make your image “pretty”   •  Here’s where

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The Philosophy of Adobe Camera RAW

  Updated 08/29/23- with Short YouTube Video:     __________________________   Psssst – also wanna see the Adobe Camera RAW User Interface in action?  WITH YOUTUBE VIDEO … https://blog.main.wattsdigital.com/?p=3025     One of the most misunderstood (and mis-used!) concepts in digital post-processing is how to properly work with RAW files.   What to do with all that digital information?  How do you work with the format correctly & maximize your image’s potential?   When enhancing your image from RAW, what are the “Goals”,  and why?  What the heck are you even aiming for?   First, what is a RAW File?   A Camera

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A Better Way to Sharpen your Images in Photoshop CC

  Updated 03/01/22     NOTE – For maximum clarity, you can zoom in on (or download) any image in this post!   For best results, maximize your browser, then click on the desired image – navigate as needed.    Having challenges getting your image sharpened properly in Photoshop? Try using this technique, rather than the generic Sharpening tools, which are not as effective and prone to over-sharpening – it’s also much harder to accidentally over-sharpen your image, and gives incredible results.   This is a “non-destructive” technique, which means it will minimize throwing out unnecessary pixels.  Without getting into

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Not a Fan of Photoshop Speed Keys? Here are the 10 Essential Ones …

Updated 08/24/21     Most people have a love / hate relationship with Speed Keys, regardless of the software program.  But they’re called Speed Keys for a reason – they can save you lots of time with repetitive functions.   You should get into the habit of using a few basic Speed Key Combinations: Once you start to memorize these, you’ll significantly increase the speed with which you work.   There are hundreds of speed key combinations — Don’t be over-whelmed, as you only need a handful.  The 10 shown below are the ones that I believe you’ll find the most

Read More Not a Fan of Photoshop Speed Keys? Here are the 10 Essential Ones …

Need to Calibrate and Profile your Monitor? Here’s how to do it correctly – WITH VIDEO

  Update 03/01/22:  See even more on this subject in my post: Color Management 101 for Photographers”: https://blog.main.wattsdigital.com/?p=3858     There are 3 steps necessary to successful color management – Profiling your Monitor is “Step #1”. A properly calibrated & profiled monitor will closely match the output of your photo printer or favorite custom print lab.  It’s crucial even if you don’t want to print your images, as it will allow you to see your image as accurately as possible – and in accordance with photo industry standards. Think of your monitor as your photographic “Window to the World”.   But let’s face

Read More Need to Calibrate and Profile your Monitor? Here’s how to do it correctly – WITH VIDEO

Photoshop CC: Soft-Proofing, plus RGB Color Spaces

  Updated 08/26/21       Two questions from Patrick C in San Diego, CA:   Should I be “soft proofing” my images before I send them to you? If so, do you provide any ICC profiles for your LightJet printer to view my images before uploading to you?   Do you use ProPhoto RGB Color Space (or something else) as your working Color Space in Photoshop?   The answers:   Interesting questions – some real “In the weeds” stuff – let me put on my “propeller-head” hat, and we’ll look at these one at a time …   _____________

Read More Photoshop CC: Soft-Proofing, plus RGB Color Spaces

Photoshop: What is a Master File, and why do you need one? – WITH VIDEO

Updated: 08/22/22 – BONUS – – For even more information on Master File Creation & Workflow in Action, see this additional post – WITH YOUTUBE VIDEO: https://blog.main.wattsdigital.com/video-photoshop-master-file-creation-workflow-in-action/  X Notes for the above video can be found here: https://main.wattsdigital.com/images/WattsDigital_ContrastColor_Notes_08-21.pdf ___________ Question: From Matthew S in San Diego, CA:   “Once you capture an image in RAW (or a 16-bit scan), what is the best way to save the image for printing purposes? Or should I convert the image to another format? I typically convert everything to a max quality JPG.  Supposedly any “lossy” degradation will be unnoticed to the eye, or so

Read More Photoshop: What is a Master File, and why do you need one? – WITH VIDEO

Why shoot in 16 bit (RAW), rather than 8 bit (JPG)?

  Updated: 08/26/21   •  By the way – for much more on “The Philosophy of RAW”, see my post here: https://blog.main.wattsdigital.com/?p=2215     I’ve been asked versions of these two questions so much lately that I had to share – In this post, we’ve got two important questions (and two timely answers) as seen from a “post-processing” point-of-view …   _____________________   Question #1:     From Kris K in Gilroy, CA:     “You’ve mentioned shooting in 16 bit RAW files, and I’ve always used 8 bit JPG’s.  What would be the advantages and disadvantages of using 16 bit versus 8

Read More Why shoot in 16 bit (RAW), rather than 8 bit (JPG)?

Photoshop: A Trick of the Eye

Updated 08/29/21   Rods and Cones are Nature’s Own, but our eyes will still deceive us …   Our eyes are miracles that are created by God – but even God has a sense of humor!  – Do not underestimate how easily our eyes (and by extension, our brain) can be tricked – Magicians make use of this fact!   It has been my experience that of The Three Steps to Successful Color Management in Photoshop the most overlooked is #3: Assure that you have the proper Lighting Conditions and Perception. I want to prove my point on Perception (more

Read More Photoshop: A Trick of the Eye

Photoshop vs Lightroom? Wrong question! – WITH VIDEO

  Updated:  07/17/24 – Plus, BONUS:  See my short video from YouTube here:       FYI, this is Part 1 of a 3-part series on this subject – Part 2 is here & Part 3 is here   ________________   I don’t use Lightroom in my post-processing workflow – I don’t even have it installed on my computer (see Part 2 for much more on “why”) – but I’m constantly asked a version of this question over and over –   “For working on my images, should I use Lightroom or Photoshop?”   To me, that’s the wrong question, perhaps not

Read More Photoshop vs Lightroom? Wrong question! – WITH VIDEO

Photoshop CS6/CC: The Navigator and History Panels – Video Tutorial

  Updated: 05/01/19 …     The Navigator Panel allows you to “navigate” around your image at large magnifications.   •  When your image is enlarged bigger than your Document Window, simply drag the “Red Box” with your mouse to the desired location   •  Notice that the magnification of your image shows at the bottom, along with Sliders to reduce and enlarge.   •  This is also a good time to review these navigation “Speed Keys” (see this post for the 10 essential ones), as this is where you’ll use them in conjunction with the Navigator Panel:   To

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Photoshop CS6/CC: The Tools Panel and Color Picker – Video Tutorial

Updated: 05/01/19 …     In  the last blog post, we discussed how to set up a proper Workspace with Panels.  In this and future posts,  we’ll explore some of these Panels in detail, starting with the Tools Panel and the Color Picker.   The purpose of the Tools Panel and the Color Picker is to allow easy access to the some of the most commonly used tools and functions in Photoshop.   There are over 50 tools contained in the Tools Panel, including access to the invaluable Color Picker, but don’t be overwhelmed, you’ll only need a handful of

Read More Photoshop CS6/CC: The Tools Panel and Color Picker – Video Tutorial